Pay Per click or paid search marketing is the most controlled way to get your website in the top search results. PPC is easy to control the cost and return on investment for your campaign. Our PPC team has developed unique methodologies for managing campaign from small start-ups to the large established leaders.
We will install the tracking tools to measure your return on investment and use only best keywords that can maximize your profits in the market. For each PPC advertisement management service program, we perform number of tasks:
- Define Strategies
- Advanced keyword research and selection
- Identify landing pages
- Advertisement submission
- PPC monthly analysis
- SEO ranking report
- Account setup, including writing the titles and descriptions
- Receive traffic from major search engines
You have to make sure in many others sites your web page listed at the very first result pages within a search engine. This is the primary criteria for search engines like Google or Bing to rank a site
Array Multimedia will make this done while submitting your website to thousands of directories and search engines. If you are not in these search engines, people won’t even know your existence.

Management (CMS)
Our website content management system has been carefully developed over several years to provide a simple and easy way to manage your website content. It’s concept is to separate the website design process from the content, which allows you to easily create pages add, delete images and update content without needing technical skills in web design or development.